Troopers participate in Relay for Life

On September 9, the Southern Cross Garrison has 2 teams participating in Relay for Life in 2 locations.

2017 09 06 relay for life
Photo credit: Suzanne Hempsall

The first team, Imperial Walkers, will be posted at Hawkesbury Showground, Clarendon. The other team, Black Wampa, will be participating at Marcella Park, Maitland.

Founded in the USA, the Relay for Life events have been operating since 1985 and aims to raise funds for and create an awareness of cancer. The event also celebrates survivors of cancer, shows support to those affected by cancer and remembers those loved ones that have been lost. The fundraising events have been running in Australia since 1999 with all proceeds being donated to Cancer Council to fund vital research, prevention, and support programs.

Visit the Relay for Life website for more information and to get involved. If you would like to donate, visit either (or both) of our team pages below: