Powerhouse Museum's ultimate fan weekend

Troopers from the Southern Cross Garrison are only just recovering from the huge Star Wars fan weekend held at the Powerhouse Museum on May 5 - 6.

Powerhouse - Gammorean Guard
Photo credit: Skate Murray

In an event that took months of planning, the Southern Cross Garrison was joined by fellow Star Wars costuming groups, The Rebel Legion, The Mandalorian Mercs and the Droid Builders, to participate in the event held at the iconic Powerhouse Museum in Sydney.

Powerhouse - Scout trooper
Photo credit: Genevieve Lyons

The fan weekend was a partnership with Walt Disney Company Australia to celebrate May the Fourth (also known as Star Wars Day) and to announce the arrival of the renowned international touring exhibit Star Wars Identities, coming to Sydney in November 2018.

Powerhouse - Tie Fighter pilots
Photo credit: Genevieve Lyons

The weekend gave patrons the chance to sit in the cockpit of a 1:1 scale Resistance X-wing starfighter, try out their lightsaber skills in an augmented reality duel, participate in costume competitions and grab a selfie or two with life-size recreations of characters from the film, including Chewbacca as he appears in the new Solo movie.

Powerhouse - Blue Squadron
Photo credit: Genevieve Lyons

Museum patrons were also able to join talks and panels across the weekend, including several from the 501st and Rebel Legions, where the audience learnt about the events the groups participate in, the community work and fundraising, and what it takes to join.

Powerhouse - Panel interview
Photo credit: Jason Kurzydlo

Powerhouse - 501st Panel
Photo credit: Paul Hempsall

The costuming clubs were represented by 84 members that mingled through the event, in costume, for photo opportunities over the weekend. Darth Vader and Chewbacca proved popular as always, as did the Clone Troopers and Captain Phasma with her First Order Stormtroopers by her side.

Powerhouse - Clones with Hera, Sabine and Ahsoka
Photo credit: Sair Steele

Powerhouse - Darth Maul
Photo credit: Jason Kurzydlo

Kids of all ages were able to take the Speeder Bike for a ride and say "hello" to resident droids R2D2, BB8, Chopper, and R2Q5.

Powerhouse - First Order Stormtroopers
Photo credit: Garrison CO

The event received plenty of response on social media, with plenty of praise for the costumed characters being friendly and always willing to be in photos with Star Wars fans.

Powerhouse - 'Have you seen these droids?'
Photo credit: Skate Murray

Powerhouse - Clones and X-wing
Photo credit: Verity Lawrence

Star Wars Identities opens at the Powerhouse Museum between November 16 2018 and June 10 2019. See the Museum of Applied Arts & Science website for more details.

To learn more about the Rebel Legion, visit the Tython Base website. Visit the join us page to learn more about how to the 501st Legion and getting involved.