May the 4th - an epic week of Star Wars celebration

Celebrations surrounding Star Wars Day (May the 4th) always keep our troopers busy. This year proved to be even greater for members of the Southern Cross Garrison.

May 3

John Hunter Hospital

Getting in just before Star Wars Day, the first event for the week sent our troopers to the John Hunter Hospital. Joined by local KOFM radio personality Steve G, in the guise of the Darth Vader, and Princess Leia from the Galactic Academy, the group visited kids (both big and little) throughout the Childrens’ Ward.

Steve G as Darth Vader during our visit to John Hunter Hospital
Photo credit: Glen Fredericks

Steve was kind enough to mention the 501st Legion and his experience on his radio show the next day.

Star Wars trivia night (Dubbo)

Our Western Plains Stormtrooper was joined by some fellow Star Wars costumers dressed as Darth Vader, Kylo Ren and an Emperor's Royal Guard posing for photos during trivia registration. While they didn’t win the trivia, they succeeded in winning the best-dressed competition.

May 4 (Star Wars Day)

“Flash” Tattoo Day (Charlestown)

Partnering with 2012 Tattoo in Charlestown Square, the Hunter Hornet Squad were successful in raising $445 for Black Dog Institute. It was a fun event and all parties are looking forward to joining forces again next year.

Raising funds for Black Dog Institute with 2012 Tattoo
Photo credit: John Elliott

Westmead Children’s Hospital

Splitting into 2 groups to cover more ground, our troopers were joined by the Rebel Legion and a special appearance of R2D2 from our Droid Builder friends.

Gifts of DVD's, posters, figurines and other toys were given to the children while the doctors and nurses were as excited as the patients for photos.

Randwick Children's Hospital

The group greeted children as they circumnavigated the ward. While some of the kids weren’t able to leave their room or have visitors, our troopers made sure they weren’t forgotten by placing hands and helmets to their windows and saying “hello" from a distance, to which the kids reciprocated with smiles and waves.

Southern Cross Garrison visits Randwick Children's Hospital

The troopers were met warmly by hospital staff, volunteers, parents and all the kids - there was also a group of doctors stalking the characters, waiting for their opportunity for a photo.

EB Games fundraising for Starlight Foundation (Queanbeyan)

Our troopers spent this night-time event outside the EB Games in the Riverside Plaza handing out balloons, posing for photos and collecting over $500 in donations for the Starlight Foundation.

May 5

Disney Media Agency

Chewbacca, Boba Fett and a Stormtrooper surprised staff at their Media Agency offices. When they weren’t scaring office workers, the group helped wrap up the end of a Star Wars presentation, then took photos with all of the staff.

Chewbacca and Boba Fett visit Disney's media agency
Photo credit: Andy Price

RAAF Richmond Officers Ball

Joined once again by the Rebel Legion, the Southern Cross Garrison were represented by a Stormtrooper and a Darktrooper in a beautiful, historic building on Richmond RAAF base. The venue was decorated like the infamous Cantina on Mos Eisley.

The group greeted guests, posed with many other costume characters and even enjoyed a dance to live music.

ZING Pop Culture fundraising for the Starlight Foundation

Spanning 2 days, the team worked with some Disney Princesses and helped raise $2904 for the Starlight Foundation.

May 6

Central Coast ComiCon

The 501st Legion had a strong presence at Central Coast Comicon with 12 members taking turns in costume to patrol the con while the remainder manned the Southern Cross Garrison table to field questions about our organisation. It was a great day of photos, talking with Star Wars fans and even a television interview.

Free Comic Book Day (Canberra and Sydney)

Hosted at Impact Comics in Canberra and Campbelltown Library in Sydney, Free Comic Book Day encourages comic book fans (old and new) to visit their local comic book shop or library.

Free Comic Book Day
Photo credit: Impact Comics

Our Star Wars characters mingled with the crowd at both events and were met by a large variety of comic book fans dressed as their favourite hero.

May 7

Imperial Recruitment Day (Newcastle)

Members of the Galactic Academy, Rebel Legion and Southern Cross Garrison collaborated at the Empire Coffee Co in Newcastle as a chance to meet the folks dressed in their awesome outfits and find out what is involved with joining us in the fun!

Multiple members of the public (many dressed in homemade or store bought costumes) took the opportunity to speak with the troopers and wranglers about what is involved with making costumes and how to join up.

Our Kids Day Out

One of the favourite events for the northern NSW members, Our Kids Day Out is a free family friendly event for children, especially those who have been in children’s ward and Special Care Nursery throughout the years, to have a great day full of laughter and happiness.

Our Kids Day Out
Photo credit: Ben Gordon

The day was full of hi-fives, smiles, hugs and even a Darth Vader dance competition.

Special thanks

We would like to acknowledge and thank the many helpers, affectionately known as “wranglers”, that tirelessly looked after the welfare of our troopers during this hectic week.