Imperials at Solo: A Star Wars Story Sydney Premiere

Members of the Southern Cross Garrison and our fellow costuming groups were honoured to be invited by Disney Australia to attend the Australian Premiere of Solo: A Star Wars Story last night at the Randwick Ritz.

Solo: A Star Wars Story Premiere - Stormtroopers at entrance
Photo credit: Andy Price

Stormtroopers guarded the entrance to the Randwick Ritz last night as patrons waited outside with excited anticipation.

The doors opened and the crowd were welcomed by Chewbacca, escorted by a pair of vigilant Stormtroopers, on the red carpet where photo opportunities awaited.

Solo: A Star Wars Story Premiere - red carpet
Photo credit: SCG GCO

The 501st Legion was proud to be accompanied by our new special Imperial Cadet, Kane, who thoroughly enjoyed the film and getting to meet our Stormtroopers. Thanks to Luke Boyton, from Sons of Obiwan Saber Academy, for introducing Kane to the Southern Cross Garrison.

Solo: A Star Wars Story Premiere - Kane
Photo credit: Paul Hempsall

Our excited troopers had plenty of post-movie and spoiler-free reviews to offer:

“Occasionally if you work your butt off and do good deeds you'll be rewarded. Was so great to see the Australian premiere of Solo tonight with my fellow passionate and dedicated legionnaires. IT IS AN AMAZING AND FUN MOVIE! Go see it people.” - Sair Steele
“Solo was an injection of good old-fashioned swashbuckling fun and adventure into the Star Wars franchise, as only the character of Han Solo can deliver. It was a great ride and I can’t wait to view it a second, third, fourth, etc time.” - Paul Hempsall
“Was I nervous about SOLO? Originally, yes, but given the recent marketing, I was less so. It felt retro. It felt fun. It felt familiar. Tonight, I was rewarded with the most fun I’ve had with a Star Wars movie for a while.” - Darren Vaughan

Solo: A Star Wars Story Premiere - SCG crowd
Photo credit: Adam Skidmore

Solo: A Star Wars Story opens in cinemas across Australia on May 24.