100 days to Star Wars: The Last Jedi

star wars the last jedi poster

When it comes to Star Wars, we’re an excitable bunch at the Southern Cross Garrison. With the countdown now passing the 100-day mark until the release of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, we thought we’d take the opportunity to speak with some of our members and share a spoiler-free account of what they’re looking forward to in the next instalment of the Star Wars saga. 

What are you looking forward to the most from The Last Jedi?

Shaun Boer: "I just want to see where our heroes (and villains) are now. What has Luke been up to? Will the Resistance now be sanctioned and supplemented by the New Republic?"

Andy Price: "I am looking forward to seeing if any of the theories I have might happen come about… Will Luke turn to the dark side and take Rey with him? Was Han's sacrifice worth it to get Ren to the light… What will Luke say? most importantly, how will Leia fall… actually, I’m not looking forward to this. I will be in tears."

Suzan Allan: "Seeing Carrie in her last appearance."

Philip Vincent: "I am most looking forward to the vibe of sitting in a theatre full of other fans at the midnight screening and feeling the goosebumps on my arms as the music starts up and the opening scrawl begins to creep its way across the screen."

Is there anything you hope you don't see in the new film?

Andy Price: "No more Death Stars, or Death Star-like weapons, it hasn't worked yet, probably best to move on and try something else."

This is a sentiment also shared by Suzan… 

Suzan Allan: "Anything that resembles a Death Star weapon."

Philip Vincent: "I fully expect this one to be a darker movie like Empire Strikes Back was in the original trilogy, but I don’t want it to be a rehash of Empire Strikes Back the same way that The Force Awakens was a rehash of A New Hope."

Shaun Boer: "I don't want too much fan-service. I want it to be Star Wars, but not for the sake of it. Make it familiar but new."

What's your favourite part about seeing a new Star Wars film?

Rin Green: "My favourite thing about new Star Wars movies is the building excitement, and then being immersed in another world with friends."

Shaun Boer: "My favourite part is always seeing where my favourite characters are, what they're doing now. Also, I love seeing the new planets, ships, and weapons that are revealed."

Andy Price: "It's new Star Wars… let’s leverage everything Rogue One was to make The Last Jedi how good Empire Strikes Back is. I can't wait to see it with my Star Wars Family."

Suzan Allan: "Being with my Star Wars family and celebrating the next instalment of our favourite story."

Do you think we'll get an answer to Rey's lineage? What do you reckon her back story is?

Andy Price: "I really don't care if we do or don’t. I’d rather it be a new character than the daughter of someone else. The characters we know and love already have established stories that have been ret-conned so changing these will only upset the hard core fans. It’s a slippery slope if you start messing with characters we know."

Suzan Allan: "I hope so. So many theories out there, it will be interesting to see what is closest to the truth. I just hope she's not a Skywalker."

Shaun Boer: "I hope we at least get some of the answers, something to keep us going until Episode IX. As much as I agree with Disney/Lucasfilm's decision to get rid of the Expanded Universe stories and start again, some of it has been creeping back in albeit in a slightly different way. Rebels is a key example of this, with Grand Admiral Thrawn etc. So I'd love if Mara Jade was brought back into canon - I named my second daughter after her!"

What costume can we expect to see you in at the midnight premiere?

Suzan Allan: "I'll be a pesky Jawa getting into trouble."

Andy Price: "Classic Stormtrooper, although during the film, a hoodie to hide everyone else so concentration can happen."

Shaun Boer: "As I'm away overseas on deployment until mid-November I doubt I will have my Heavy Weapons Trooper (HWT) completed on time (not that it will stop me trying) so I think I'm going to be a Tusken Raider."

Philip Vincent: "Not sure on my costume for the premiere at this stage, but probably not the Wampa again as I want to be able to get more involved in the event. Probably my Stormtrooper, unless I can get my new costume finished in time."


Artwork credit: Star Wars The Last Jedi poster © Lucasfilm Ltd.